Iranian Envoy Lauds China for Opposing IAEA Resolution

Iranian Envoy Lauds China for Opposing IAEA Resolution

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to China commended Beijing for its opposition to a resolution the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors recently adopted on Iran.

In a post on his Twitter account on Tuesday, Mohammad Keshavarz-Zadeh praised China’s stance against the IAEA resolution on Iran and the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s expression of support for Tehran.

“China’s recent stance towards the IAEA resolution was decisive and memorable, and we won’t forget it,” the envoy said.

Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said his country opposes any measure leading to exacerbation of tensions over the Iranian nuclear program in the wake of the recent adoption of an anti-Iran resolution by the IEAE Board of Governors.

"China supports the IAEA in playing its role in an objective, professional and neutral manner in verifying Iran’s compliance with its safeguards obligations. We are against politicizing its work," Zhao said.

He pointed to an explicit announcement by the IAEA that the "safeguards issue is neither urgent nor poses a proliferation risk" and welcomed Iran's readiness to resolve issues through dialogue and said, "Under such circumstances, China does not approve of actions that artificially exacerbate tensions and escalate the situation."

"On the Iranian nuclear issue, China’s unwavering aim is to uphold the JCPOA, multilateralism, peace and stability in the Middle East, and the international order based on international law," the Chinese diplomat said.

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