President Rouhani Orders Gradual Reopening of Businesses in Iran

President Rouhani Orders Gradual Reopening of Businesses in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the low- and medium-risk businesses can resume their activities in the country following a closure in the wake of coronavirus outbreak, but the high-risk activities must remain halted.

Addressing a Sunday session of the cabinet of ministers, President Rouhani said the Coronavirus Fight National Headquarters has decided that the businesses and economic services should reopen in the country as of April 11.

He said the low- and medium-risk businesses in all provinces, except for Tehran, can resume their activities as of next Saturday by complying with the health protocols.

The high-risk businesses and the activities entailing gatherings, such as the sports centers, must remain closed until further notice, the president added.

The president noted that the resumption of activities of low-risk businesses in Tehran Province will begin on April 18, still in full compliance with the health protocols defined by the Health Ministry.

He also noted that reopening of the businesses and resumption of economic activities would follow a gradual and step-by-step approach.

President Rouhani stated that the movement of personal vehicles between the provinces will be forbidden until April 18.

The president further dismissed rumors about disagreement between the Health Ministry and the Ministry of Industry, stressing that there is no disagreement between the administrative organizations whatsoever.

There is no discord among the three branches of power in the country either, he emphasized, saying all pillars of the establishment are working together and supporting Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

On Saturday, President Rouhani unveiled a plan for smart social distancing across the country as a new phase of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

He said the smart social distancing follows the successful implementation of two stages of social distancing over the past weeks, noting that varied and extensive protocols for the fight against the coronavirus should be defined carefully in all fields, proportional to various businesses, for the reopening period.

The president has repeatedly called on Iranians to stay indoors, noting that social-distancing and self-quarantining have helped the country’s health authorities make major breakthroughs in their battle against the viral infection.


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