Iran Has Hit Israeli Regime from Within, Intelligence Minister Says

Iran Has Hit Israeli Regime from Within, Intelligence Minister Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The intelligence minister of Iran highlighted the country’s success in taking action against the Zionist regime’s domestic and foreign operations.

In comments at a meeting in Iran’s Markazi Province on Sunday, Esmaeil Khatib praised the country’s great achievements in dealing with the Zionist regime. 

By God’s grace, the Islamic Republic of Iran has achieved major success in counteracting the Zionist regime’s domestic and foreign measures and operations, the intelligence minister stated.

Khatib noted that Iran’s success in thwarting the Israeli plots results from the cooperation and synergy among the Iranian intelligence and security organizations.

In remarks on April 22, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei urged the Muslim world to seize the great opportunity provided by the acceleration of the decline of the Zionist regime which has begun since a couple of years ago.

“Several decades ago, (David) Ben-Gurion, one of the founders of the fake regime, said ‘We will be destroyed whenever our deterrent power ends.’ The world is currently witnessing this reality and if nothing happens, the end of the usurping regime is close. This too is one of the blessings that has risen from the sacrifices of the devoted Palestinian youth in the West Bank and other occupied areas,” the Leader stated in a meeting with a group of Iranian officials and ambassadors from the Islamic countries in Tehran.

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