Iran’s Annual Export of Minerals Hits $10 Billion: Deputy Minister

Iran’s Annual Export of Minerals Hits $10 Billion: Deputy Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has exported about $10 billion worth of minerals and metal products in the previous Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2022 to March 20, 2023), which shows a four percent growth in weight compared to a year earlier, a deputy industry minister said.

Speaking in an interview with IRNA on Wednesday, Head of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) Alireza Paymanpak stated that the price of basic goods, including oily seeds and agricultural raw materials, has considerably increased last year due to the war in Ukraine.

He also noted that a number of Iranian products, such as minerals and steel, have experienced an eye-catching price slump.

Iran exported $10 billion worth of minerals and metal products in the previous Persian calendar year, registering a 4% rise in weight and a 6% decline in value in comparison to a year before, the deputy minister added.

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