Former Trump Legal Adviser Claims Biden Committed 'Impeachable Offenses'

Former Trump Legal Adviser Claims Biden Committed 'Impeachable Offenses'

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A former Trump legal adviser, Jenna Ellis, called for the impeachment of US President Joe Biden, claiming that he committed "impeachable offenses".

Adding another voice to the number of conservative critics of the Biden administration who are calling for the president's impeachment, Ellis pointed at Biden's immigration policy that she says resulted in a migrant crisis on the southern US border, and a CDC eviction moratorium that the president "knows is in bad faith", Sputnik reported.

"(...) Listen, this is something where we’ve seen that any of these surges of COVID-19 can be directly attributed to these migrants that are coming in illegally crossing the border," Ellis claimed to Newsmax, adding that, "now Joe Biden's solution is to what? Just offer them a vaccination? I mean, that’s something that clearly, I think, this is a violation of his oath of office".

Ellis also called on Republicans to push impeachment efforts now even though they do not have a majority in Congress.

"There are multiple things that Joe Biden is doing here that do, in my view, constitute impeachable offenses," Ellis continued, stating, "I think that if the Republicans in Congress want to take seriously — you know any of their standing in terms of the congressional mandate to review the chief executive and to not let him get away with clearly unconstitutional behavior".

Ellis has also tweeted for a Biden impeachment.

​Earlier, celebrity political commentators Mark Levin and Dan Bongino called for a Biden impeachment, suggesting the use of the 25th Amendment to remove what they characterize as the "most disastrous president in modern American history". The 25th Amendment allows the transfer of power from a US president to the vice president if POTUS is found to be "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office".

The US Constitution says that a president, or any other civil officer in the United States, can be impeached in the event of being guilty of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors", without naming those specific individual "high crimes and misdemeanors".

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