Footage Shows Palestinian Used as Human Shield in Jenin

Footage Shows Palestinian Used as Human Shield in Jenin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Footage shared online shows an Israeli armored vehicle driving past ambulances as it withdraws from Jenin, with an injured Palestinian man strapped to the hood, appearing to be used as a human shield.

Videos show an injured Palestinian man strapped to the hood of an Israeli armored vehicle in Jenin, raising concerns over the use of human shields.




"It does seem there’s no other logical explanation to tie up a man who’s visibly injured and in pain to the hood of an armored vehicle as it moves through Jenin after laying siege to at least two homes, searching them and detaining a number of people," said Nour Odeh, reporting from Ramallah.

"That shocking image of the Jeep … is something that is repeated in several ways in the West Bank and it is what human rights organizations call the use of human shields. It’s been done on several occasions," Odeh added.

Medical sources reported treating two injuries in hospitals in Jenin.

In a separate incident, a Palestinian boy has died after being critically injured by a bullet fired by Israeli forces near Ramallah in the northern West Bank.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health stated that the 12-year-old boy succumbed to his injuries sustained about a week ago in Ramallah.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that the boy was shot in the stomach during an Israeli incursion into the Am'ari refugee camp in Ramallah.

Since October 7, at least 552 Palestinians have been killed and more than 5,200 wounded in attacks by Israeli forces and settlers across the occupied West Bank.

Additionally, Israeli forces have made at least 9,300 arrests in the same period.

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